четверг, 11 декабря 2014 г.

                                        Урок-свято “ This Magic World of Books”
Ø Узагальнити та закріпити лексичний матеріал по темі; тренувати у читанні; формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення у парній та груповій роботі;
Ø Розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів; довготривалу та оперативну пам’ять; стимулювати логічне мислення, уяву; розширювати загальний світогляд;
Ø Виховувати любов до літератури як культурної спадщини та джерела знань; прагнення до пізнання нового, незвіданого; повагу до дружби, вчити цінувати справжні людські цінності.
Обладнання: Презентація, аудіо запис, портрети зарубіжних письменників, «золоті
                          правила», та прислівя про книги, декорації до інсценізації байок, мікро
                          діалоги, роздавальний матеріал.
Тип уроку: узагальнюючий урок-свято.


I. Introduction:
   T: Good morning, guys! Nice to see you!
       The theme of our lesson is:” This Magic world of books!”. People all over the world are fond of books. At our lesson we’ll make an exciting journey to a magic country “ Bookland”. We’ll speak about books and your favourite characters, we’ll review the “Golden Rules” of books, act out some fables, play and learn a lot of interesting things. I wish you good luck!

II. Warming up
    T: Look at the presentation and guess the riddle:
We have friends
They can not play
And can not see
But they are good
For you and me
What are they?
P: They are books.
Main Part

I. Reading and Speaking
T: I am sure that all of you like reading. Now I want to listen to your answers why we read books. Use the word combinations:
   - to receive information;
    - to broaden our mind;
   -  to solve different problems;
    - to develop our personality;
   -  to find important answers.
P1: We read books because they help us to broaden our mind.
P2: Books give us different information.
P3: Books are interesting and useful because they help to develop our personality.
P4: We can find answers on different questions in books.

II. Vocabulary Practice.
T: You have cards on the desk. You task is to match the words with their definitions:
   1. author           a) unreal events
   2. message        b) a very long story
   3. novel              c) to take
   4. fiction            d) a person, who likes to read
   5. poem             e) a kind of information
   6. library            f) a person, who writes something
   7. to borrow     g) a place with many books
   8. reader           h) a kind of literature

III. Speaking.
T: Can you tell me where you can get books according to your tastes? Look at the screen and make up the sentences answering the question.

       Where can you get books for reading?
                   Receive as           borrow               buy in a              get from
                   a present              through              book-shop          the library
                                               the internet
P1: We can receive books as a present.
P2: As for me I can borrow books through the Internet.
P3: To my mind people can buy books in a book shop.
P4: Any book I can get from the library.

IV. Relaxation.
T: Now we’ll have a time of relaxation. To read books we must have healthy eyes. Now Let’s doing some exercises for eyes. Look at the butterfly on the screen and repeat its movements with your eyes.

V. Game
T: Let’s play a game “ Kinds of literature”. Take a piece of paper with the word which describes a kind of literature. Give definition to it for other children to guess.
P1: It is a very funny story in pictures. (comics)
P2: You can find information about everything in it. ( encyclopedia)
P3: It is a very long story.(novel)
P4: A children’s story in which magical things happen. (fairy tale)
P5: It is a story from ancient times. ( myth)
P6: These are short stories with  a teaching plot. (fables)

VI. Writing
T: My dear guys, what proverbs, sayings and golden rules about books do you know? Your task is to make the Posters of “Golden Rules of Books”.
ü Books are our best friends.
ü Books are our teachers.
ü Choose an author as you choose a friend.
ü Never read while eating.
ü You must not read in a bed.
ü Wash your hands before reading.
ü Do not lose your book.
ü Treat books with care as good friends.
ü Return books to the library in time. 

VII. Dialogue Speaking.
T: Now I suggest you to feel yourselves the actors.
    Look at the screen. This is the well-known fairy- tale “ The Little Red Riding Hood” and the main characters are the little girl Red Riding Hood and the Wolf.
  And the task of each group is to put the sentences in the correct order to get a dialogue and then act it out using puppets of main characters.
-         Good morning, Mr. Wolf!
-         Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?
-         I am going to my grandmother. It’s her birthday today. I take a cake, some apples and honey to her.
-         Where does she live, your grandmother?
-         She lives in a little house in the wood near the river.
-         Is it far from here?
-         No, it is not.
-         Well, good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood.
-         Good-bye, Mr. wolf.

VIII. Project work.
T: Role-play the famous fables. Three groups of children perform
3 fables. At the end of it you’ll be able to answer the question using a table: What do the literary characters teach you?
Now, enjoy these performances!!!


T: You worked hard today. You were very active, attentive and creative. I enjoyed working with you! Thank you!

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